Tuesday, 17 June 2014

ETUDE HOUSE Oh My Eye Lash Mascara #03 Volume Review

Hello cuties!

I want to tell you about my new mascara +w+
I like Etude House cosmetics, so with my regular korean cosmetics order I'd bought this exemplar ^__^

As I said before, I haven't got any problems with my lashes, they are long, thick and curled. I'm searching for not-waterproof, but resistant mascara with comfortable middle-sized brush, which will not form clumps, and this mascara comes short :c

Brush is pretty comfortable and grabs normal quantity of mascara:

Mascara has deep black color and standart cosmetic smell. It is not waterproof, but stays all day without problem, removes easily without panda-eye effect. I like it's technical characteristics, but I don't like how it looks at my lashes :c Mascara gums them, formes clumps. BUT even so it looks much better then Kiss Me Heroine Make Impact Frame Long and Curl Mascara :D

Nude lashes:

With one thick layer:

♥ Not waterproof, but pretty resistant
♥ Holds curl
♥ Volumenous
♥ Make lashes longer
♥ Cheap (~4$)
♥ Removes without panda-eye effect

★ Gums lashes
★ Formes clumps


Thanks for reading me!

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Vassen Alice Blue Contact Lens Review Updated!

Good evening!
I'm happy to come back with new contact lens review c:
It's about beautiful and natural contacts - Vassen Alice Blue

Diameter 15.0 mm
Water content 55%
Base curve 8.6
1 year disposable (recommended use for 4-6 months)
Perfect for both dark and light colored eyes

The stock photo:

At the stock photo lens have black ring and dark blue color at the edges which turn to light blue at the middle, but in real dark blue ring is more gray:

Color: 5/5. I wanted to have some natural-colored big eye blue lens and YES, this pair is completlety satisfy me, but there is one nuance - at eyes they are more grayish. Eyes look naturally and dolly at the same time :3

Comfort: 5/5. Vassen lens are thinner than Geo lens, so I haven't feel any discomphort with them *w*

Enlargement: 5/5. These lenses have a diameter 15mm, so they make the eyes huge and dolly ^з^

Overall rating: 5/5. I like these lens very much, it's a perfect variant for girls, who want natural-looking enlarging lens :'3

Price: 19,9$/pair at solution-lens.com

I''ll use them for everyday life :3

Some photos :D (bare eye/with lens):

And some full-face photos:

See ya! c:

Friday, 13 June 2014

Historia Reiz Cosplay Look

Hello! ~
Today's post will be quite small because I hadn't got time to make photos for any review x) So I decided to show you some mobile photos of my cos look :3

I like Shingeki no Kyojin very much, this anime (and manga too) is very popular in my country and there are a lot of cosplays of shingeki's characters. I want to cosplay too, among shingeki's girls I like Ymir and Historia most ♥

Soooo we with my friend decided to make an yuri cosplay-photoshoot with easy costumes like that xD

I hope we will do it on July-August Q^Q

I read some cute doujinshi yesterday and then decided to invent a cosplay make-up for Christa ^3^
I used brown eyeliner and eyeshadow for eye make-up, upper and lower eyelashes were brown too. In original Christa has black lashes, but I think that brown make-up looks more pretty and organic with blond hair and blue eyes x3
Lenses were Geo Bella Extra Blue :3

Let's look at me!
(Sorry for photo's quality, I made them about 21:50 T__T)

Pic from my Instagram

Hope I will be good Christa Q___Q

Thanks for reading! Bye! ★

Friday, 6 June 2014

Ebay Taiwan False Lower Lashes Review (Style S-9)

How are you, sweeties? ^__^

Let me show you cheap and beautiful lower lashes!
I wanted to try bright lower lashes for cosplay during long time and finally I had done it! :3 I bought them on ebay.com for 2$ (adorable price, isn't it? :D)

So, let's start our review!

This lashes are really long, so they need some sniping. I'd cut 4 big sheafes from the right edge. After cuting they became pretty easy to glue :3 Lashes have transparent base and little "plastic" deep black sheafes.

I think, they are bit similar with Dolly Wink False Lashes #14 Natural Cute:

There are 10 pairs in the box. There isn't any information on box, only inscription "Taiwan", several hieroglyphes and sticker with bar code and with name of style (S-9):

Let's look on them!
I combined this cutted lower lashes with fake pair of Dolly Wink False Lashes #1 Sweet Dolly :3

And full face!

Pic from my Instagram

♥ Good quality
♥ Cheap
♥ Easy to glue after cutting
♥ Make eyes more impressive
♥ Perfect for cosplay
♥ Can be used many times
♥ Ten pairs at box

★ None!

I like this lower lashes very much and I had already bought two boxes with this lower lashes (two others styles). Hope they will be as good as this :3

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Geo Xtra Bella Blue Contact Lens Review

Haha, I had passed my first session exam today! I'm so happy :D 
So I decided that I tell you about Geo Xtra Bella Blue contact lens now >D
I ordered this lens with Geo Xtra Bella Violet, Caramel Brown and Amor Ribbon Violet from solution-lens.com (as usual xD) and they came in two weeks ^o^

So, let's start!

Diameter 15 mm
Water content 38-42%
Base curve 8.7
    1 year disposable (recommended use for 4-6 months)
Perfect for both dark and light colored eyes

The stock photo:

At lens case:

Color: 3.5/5. This lens are very bright on my light-colored eyes, and really not suitable for usual-life wearing, because at real life look little creepy. What I don't like - they have a wide black ring and because of it color of lens on eyes is too dark and not crystal blue. I thing, they're suitable only for cosplay, but I bought them almostly only for Hatsune Miku cosplay, so it's okay xD

Comfort: 4/5. At some moments my eyes prayed me a bit of eye drops and I felt small cramp :c

Enlargement: 5/5. These lenses have a diameter 15mm, so they make the eyes huge and bright :3

Overall rating: 4.2 / 5. I like these lens, in general they are comfortable bright lens for cosplay.

Price: 19,9$/pair at solution-lens.com

I'd used them for Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) cosplay during long time :3

Some photos :D (bare eye/with lens):

And on me with cosplay make-up :3

Thanks for reading, bue-bue! ♥