Thursday, 5 June 2014

Geo Xtra Bella Blue Contact Lens Review

Haha, I had passed my first session exam today! I'm so happy :D 
So I decided that I tell you about Geo Xtra Bella Blue contact lens now >D
I ordered this lens with Geo Xtra Bella Violet, Caramel Brown and Amor Ribbon Violet from (as usual xD) and they came in two weeks ^o^

So, let's start!

Diameter 15 mm
Water content 38-42%
Base curve 8.7
    1 year disposable (recommended use for 4-6 months)
Perfect for both dark and light colored eyes

The stock photo:

At lens case:

Color: 3.5/5. This lens are very bright on my light-colored eyes, and really not suitable for usual-life wearing, because at real life look little creepy. What I don't like - they have a wide black ring and because of it color of lens on eyes is too dark and not crystal blue. I thing, they're suitable only for cosplay, but I bought them almostly only for Hatsune Miku cosplay, so it's okay xD

Comfort: 4/5. At some moments my eyes prayed me a bit of eye drops and I felt small cramp :c

Enlargement: 5/5. These lenses have a diameter 15mm, so they make the eyes huge and bright :3

Overall rating: 4.2 / 5. I like these lens, in general they are comfortable bright lens for cosplay.

Price: 19,9$/pair at

I'd used them for Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) cosplay during long time :3

Some photos :D (bare eye/with lens):

And on me with cosplay make-up :3

Thanks for reading, bue-bue! ♥


  1. ohh the contact lenses look so cute on you, and love the blue hair you used with this look!!

    1. thanksthanksthanks for compliments! */////*

  2. I really like the design on the lens! They look great on you! ^__^

    1. Thank you! But I think on dark eyes they will look better :c
